Electric power from photovoltaics is best consumed by yourself!
Every heat pump needs electricity. One more, the Ovum less. Nevertheless, you can't do without electricity altogether. How good that there are PV systems! How good that Ovum exists! Because our heat pumps can work with any photovoltaic system. Regardless of the PV manufacturer and regardless of whether they have a battery or not - Ovum heat pumps always use only the electricity that finally leaves the building in the direction of the grid. And that exactly to the watt! Thus, we can increase self-consumption many times over, making you independent! In addition to increasing the setpoints for hot water and heating, our control system can do even more. We can heat your swimming pool completely free of charge. We can control cooling for your building using only PV power. Ovum heat pumps can harness PV power like no other. Our products are the absolute leader when it comes to integrating the heat pump with a PV system.