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Heat pumps in old buildings: opportunities and challenges when retrofitting

In times of rising energy costs and growing environmental awareness, many homeowners are faced with the challenge of modernizing their outdated heating systems in order to cut costs and reduce their ecological footprint at the same time. Heat pumps offer a promising solution for owners of old buildings. But what opportunities and challenges does retrofitting... Read more "Heat pumps in old buildings: opportunities and challenges for retrofitting

Heat pumps in conjunction with underfloor heating: Efficient heat in the home

In the world of energy-efficient heating systems, heat pumps in combination with underfloor heating are becoming increasingly popular. This combination not only provides comfortable warmth in the home, but also high efficiency and a sustainable energy supply. We want to take a closer look at the advantages of this duo... Read more "Heat pumps in combination with underfloor heating: Efficient heat in the home

How heat pumps increase the energy efficiency of homes

Constantly rising energy costs and growing environmental concerns have brought the search for more efficient and environmentally friendly heating systems into focus. One technology that is becoming increasingly important in this respect is heat pumps. These intelligent appliances not only offer efficient heating and cooling performance, but also contribute significantly to... Read more "How heat pumps increase the energy efficiency of homes

Heat Pumps vs. Conventional Heating Systems: A Comprehensive Comparison of Costs, Efficiency, and Environmental Impacts.

Choosing the right heating system for your home is a decision that has both financial and environmental implications. In recent years, heat pumps have become increasingly popular as they are seen as a sustainable alternative to conventional heating methods. In this article, we take a look at... Read more "Heat pumps vs. conventional heating systems: a comprehensive comparison of costs, efficiency and environmental impact

Sale: OPL 300

A heat pump is the heating system of the future and we can tell you one thing: it's better to invest in a heat pump sooner rather than later. Why? Because there are currently government subsidies for converting to heat pumps and because we need to start looking after our environment now... Read more "Sale: OPL 300

Ovum Expert Training

Fortunately for us, our systems are very popular. However, it is very important to us that our numerous sales partners also have the appropriate knowledge about our heat pumps. That's why we have always taken this part into our own hands and run regular training courses at our... Read more "Ovum expert training course

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